1. Money can buy you CAMERA but not the MEMORIES that you would love to capture in it. Memories that would make you smile over and over again. Spend your time on the memories not the money.
2. Money can buy you COMPANIONS but not FRIENDS , friends who would stick with you for life , friends who would call you by names that would make you laugh your head off, friends who would merry in your joy and share your grief , Friends who will be your ‘friends for life’.
3. Money can buy BABY SITTERS not PARENTS. All the wealth in the world put together cannot buy you the care, love and concern that a mother showers on you, Or the ride on your dad’s shoulders when you were a kid. No money can buy you your dad’s beating when you get caught smoking for the first time, or when you flunk in your exams. No money can buy you the tears in your parents’ eyes when you are not well. No money can buy that look of sheer joy in your parents’ face when you get awards, do well in your life. You are rich already to have parents, they are your real treasure, your abundant wealth, take care of them and make them feel special.
4. Money can buy you ENTERTAINMENT but not HAPPINESS. Money can not buy the happiness that lies in everyday life. Money cant make you sing in your bathroom in the most pathetic voice and tune but still make you feel good, money cant make you dance in the rain like a child feeling utmost joy .Money cant make you smile when sitting alone and thinking of a special someone. Money can’t make you kiss someone’s forehead and hold someone’s hand and then say ‘you are my angel’.
5. Money can buy you SWANKY CARS, JET PLANES but not the time to get out of the car and ride a BICYCLE if you wish.
6. Money can buy you EXPENSIVE MEALS but not the HOME-MADE FOOD that you crave for.
7. Money can buy you physical intimacy but not true and unconditional love. People fall in love with living persons and their peculiarities, and not with bundles of paper.
8. Money can buy you MEDICINE but not HEALTH.
10. Money can buy you FOOD but not HUNGER.
Is it really worth running after money, knowing that it cannot provide us the real meaningful things in our life……GIVE IT A THOUGHT.